Celebrate With Yutzu!

Dearest Yutzu followers,

More specifically, UWO Yutzu followers! Students, put down your books for a second, take a study break, be creative and get your mind on some happier thoughts! Indeed, exams are important, however so is sanity and we all know that study breaks are crucial and why not take a few breaks to Celebrate With Yutzu!  --For a chance to win a $200 gift certificate to the UWO Bookstore!
Create a very simple Yutzu sending greetings to Friends & Family and share it with all.
Check out the Yutzu below and be sure to e-mail for detailed instructions:

Use a couple of your study breaks and take the time to slowly build up your Yutzu and who know, you may just win that $200 gift certificate!
Worth it? I think so!

Good Luck to all on exams and those finishing up assignments to wrap up the semester!
Happy Holidays!

The Yutzu Team